Technion - Rambam Hack: Machine Learning in Healthcare
Technion - Rambam Hack: Machine Learning in Healthcare
סיום:17:30 09.03.2022
Registration for the conference has closed
For the Conference Website Click here
Registration is only possible with a credit card**
**Participants wishing to pay through the Technion R&D Foundation | מוסד הטכניון למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ, please contact Meital Gotfrid, event manager, meitalg@trdf.technion.ac.il- Please do not pay through the website.
1 | The event will be held under the restrictions of the Green Pass. Subject to changes by the Ministry of Health.
2 | At the conference please keep the safety instructions, wear a mask and keep a 2 meters distance from each other.
3 | For special requests regarding food | questions regarding COVID19 - please send an email to meitalg@trdf.technion.ac.il
4 | The Prices include: refreshments, drinks, and light lunch
Registration Cancellation Policy
* Cancellation until 6.2.2022 – Full refund Minus 7% overhead
* Cancellation after 7.2.2022 – No refund – 100% of the total price will be charged
Notification of cancellation should be sent in writing only to the Conference Secretariat.

Registration for the conference has closed
For the Conference Website Click here
Registration is only possible with a credit card**
**Participants wishing to pay through the Technion R&D Foundation | מוסד הטכניון למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ, please contact Meital Gotfrid, event manager, meitalg@trdf.technion.ac.il- Please do not pay through the website.
1 | The event will be held under the restrictions of the Green Pass. Subject to changes by the Ministry of Health.
2 | At the conference please keep the safety instructions, wear a mask and keep a 2 meters distance from each other.
3 | For special requests regarding food | questions regarding COVID19 - please send an email to meitalg@trdf.technion.ac.il
4 | The Prices include: refreshments, drinks, and light lunch
Registration Cancellation Policy
* Cancellation until 6.2.2022 – Full refund Minus 7% overhead
* Cancellation after 7.2.2022 – No refund – 100% of the total price will be charged
Notification of cancellation should be sent in writing only to the Conference Secretariat.

אנו מתנצלים, בעקבות תקלה בחברת הסליקה לא ניתן לבצע תשלום כעת. עמכם הסליחה

תשלום מזומן

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מספר הזמנה:

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